Introduction to Welfare State

                                                                WELFARE STATE
The concept of welfare state has been developing from ancient time. It can be found in the peace festival of Mahabharata. It has been said that the state have to try to make the suitable living place by controlling moral people. According to Aristotle, “The state is established for meaningful life and remains for good life.” Till 19th century the concept of police state has not been collapsed in behavioral way. It was believed that the work of state was only to keep alive to law and organization. At that time the responsibility of welfare state was not depend upon state but depend upon particular person. The wise Laski was remembering for his deeds to abolish police state. In Britain at the time of Elizabeth I the poor law act was established with this the welfare state gets the way to establish too. This act special helps to lower level people.
In France Napoleon III took helpful steps for establishing welfare state. He produces different helpful work for people like public franchise, labour organization, increase in labour, insurance plan etc. In Germany Bismarck also bring up the welfare state with new aim like the patient, accident, old stage and physically abnormal were provided the help from government. Some steps taken by American government were found under welfare state. The new policy of president Rustbelt (new deal) and the policy of President Truman fair deal help to abolish American personalism and help to follow welfare state. Now a day’s many welfare works has implementing.
 Nowadays the concept of welfare state is getting more importance. The states of the world like to make welfare state. In this kind of state the people are supreme or sovereign. The state is ruled in that way that the people would get more and more advantage. This concept is getting more popular. The new democratic countries are accepting it. According to this concept state is one essential organization and its main aim is to increase or develop the living standard of people and keep them happy. It creates good relationship between personalism and socialism. In welfare state freedom or liberty of the people is not taken. It produces more and more activities that socialism, unnecessary violence will not disturbed the people’s life. The hindrances which were created in course of freedom and development help to abolish it.
 In welfare state people get different kind of rights. The people get to utilize these rights freely. The state gives essential helps to the people to develop socially, economically, ethically and physiologically. It abolishes the suppression and helps to develop from all surrounding. The main aim of the people welfare state is to give more importance to the people and make them participate in the ruling system. From this it develops the feeling about we are for all and all are for us.
            In conclusion we can say that it protect the freedom of citizen, abolish unemployment, creation of suppressed society, organization of education, specially helps to the lower level people, fair justice and develop living stander of the people.
The definition of welfare state is not limited only in personal or level in political science. The definition is equal in the eyes of politics, social and economic and simple essential needs of citizen were fulfilled.
Many wise political personal have given their definition about welfare state, some are as below-
According to Kent, “It is the state which provides for its citizens a wide range of social services.”
According to Maclver, “The positive and negative tasks of the state are to establish order and to respect personality.”
According to G.D.H.Cole, “The welfare state is the society in which an assured minimum standard of living and opportunity becomes the possession of every citizen.”
From the above discussion we come to know it clearly that welfare state works for the better life of the people. In this organization the people’s advantage is taken as a major element. The work is implementing according to the advantage of the people.
Characteristics of welfare state
The welfare state put the positive points are implemented with good coordination between personalisim and socialism. The following are main characteristics of welfare state.
1.      Welfare state gives more emphasis on social service there for this state is called as social service state. It always works for advantage of people.
2.      It executes its work on the basis of democratic concepts and keeps peace and security.
3.      It works for the good will of the people who were living inside the state and it is always at work to implement public rights.
4.      It helps to believe the citizen about liberty and equality. It creates the society without partiality.
5.      Its main responsibility is to organize for food, shelter, housing, education, health, and security. This state takes the aim to fulfilled essential element for the citizen.
6.      The states who were orthodox (kathar) supporter of socialism and personalism also attracted towards the concept of welfare state.
7.      This state is bond by promise for people welfare is the main aim of welfare state.
8.      It develops the feeling to help each other. It also forces to make self-dependent citizen.
9.      It makes the discipline people. It does not want to control with outer power or ruling.
10.  It helps to force for ideal development and welfare of people, goodwill of people.
11.  It believes in social justice.
12.  Mainly the welfare state develops the feeling of one for all and all for one.
Essential conditions for welfare state
 For the establishment and for its success the following essential element are needed –

1.      Clarity of aims and policies
2.      Close relationship between government and people
3.      Proper use of money
4.      Special qualities of administration
5.      Co-operation of masses
6.      Liberal administration
7.      Co-ordination between public administration and social administration
8.      Emphasis on decentralization
9.      Secularism
10.  Other essentials
1. Clarity of aims and policies
To get the aim of the welfare state the equipment for aim gaining should be clear and well planned. There should be clarity explanation of policy, if policy is unclear it will changing. If government policy is clear then only this policy will lead to its aim.
 2. Close relationship between government and people
In democratic ruling system the ruling cannot be executieted under full power ruling. The government which is represented by the people’s representatives. This kind of government which cannot be work without the help of people if the government also present itself as loveably among the people and so the way will fully disciplined then only welfare state gets its aim easily.
 3. Proper use of money
 The economic policy of government should be fully planned. The money collected from people are used for state and for its people if this money is corrupted then citizen are unsatisfied if the collected money is used in right work then people forget the burden of tax. For the right use of economics resources the state have to control over financials activates.
4. Special qualities of administration
The administration should have special qualities. The excellent administration cannot work against people’s feelings. These kinds of administration can easily notice the people’s essential needs and bad day of people. According to the interest of people it changes its work time to time.

5. Co-operation of masses
The peoples help is the main pilgrims of the welfare state. For to get the aim or ambition to make welfare state the plan are implemented and policies are executed. From this it gets help to collect the support, equipment’s and source.
6. Liberal administration
 The welfare administration is on the side of people. The administration should be away from Red tapism. The administration activities should be work out with liberal. It should accept all time that the good will of people is supreme.
7. Co-ordination between public administration and social administration
 The social administration is the main pilgrims of every day ruling activities of state. It is an important part of state. The important aspects of social development are agricultural, animal husbandry, irrigation, social service, education, and co-operation. The administration which creates coordination among these all element is the social administration. If these two administrations are coordinated and can force to forward will to get the aim of the welfare state.
8. Emphasis on decentralization
 If the system is ruled by putting all power in central then these states will become dictator. The system of assemble which were in the state, the power are decentralize according to central and to state. The states which are in favors of identical system like china and French also force in decentralization system. In welfare state we can found that the power is decentralization according to central, provision/region, and local area.
9. Secularism
  For state the people are equal. It is not good to divided according to the religion. The religion should not be attached with politics. From secularism only we can make possible for the welfare state.
10. Other essentials
The administrator of the welfare state should provide the service of time. It is bad to make the dependent. It is necessary to develop the feeling of self-dependent. The work should be done under the people’s development. The activities of the government should be planed according to the changing time period. Mostly it should perform its activities towards good will of all the people.

Hindrances of the welfare sate
 It is a very hard work to establish welfare state. The policies which are thought to be constitutionally well are not good at performance. Many difficulties are found while to create this kind of state. Many difficulties and obstacles are found for the underdeveloped countries and developing countries.
The hindrances which are found in the path of welfare state are as below:-
1.       Lack of enthusiasm to work
  1. Low level of production
  2. Lack of establishment of welfare state
  3. Problem of high taxation
  4. Ownership of land
  5. Problem of growth of population
  6. Problem of transport and communication
  7. Narrow loyalties
  8. Unemployment
10.   Illiteracy
1.      Lack of enthusiasm to work
 The different obstacles have to face by under developed country to establish welfare state. In these types of country the people are not being responsible for their own work. They have the character to get away from their responsibility. Only for a short period of time they used to work and think it’s their duties. The increase of national production is from full enthusiasm in work. Therefore the lack of enthusiasm to work is the main obstacle agent in the way of welfare state.

2. Low level of product
The aim of welfare state cannot be fulfilled until the production level did not increase. The per capita income of under developed country is lower than developed countries. It will be hard to start to make welfare state were the production level is low. It won’t be easy to medium production level countries to establish welfare state.
3. Lack of establishment of welfare state
  Until the people have not that kind of enthusiasm feeling toward the nation to make welfare state. It would be hard to establish welfare state. The people have the feeling of discipline, humbleness, forgiveness and feeling of big interest on making welfare state. Those people who look after himself will suppress and corrupt the nation. They have no interest to establish welfare state.
4. Problem of high taxation
 For establishment of welfare state, state has to collect huge amount of tax from people. But people cannot pay high rate of tax to the state. By paying high rate of tax to the state they don’t want to make welfare state. Therefore high is the problem in the way of welfare state.
5. Ownership of land
 Most of the people of the state become landless because of the ownership of land are in only one man. Until the system of land distribution is not organized at that time the state cannot be made welfare state. The production level can be increase through the right justice of land distribution.
6. Problem of growth of population
 In any country every year the population is increasing day by day. The rate of population growth is high in underdeveloped countries. The country who cannot solve the problem of high rate of population growth they cannot establish welfare state. The population growth becomes a big obstacle in the way of economic development of the state.
7. Problem of transport and communication
The transportation and communication have not been developing in underdeveloped countries. The paved roads have not reached to the village. The facilities like internet, telephone, television, are not available. Therefore lack of transportation and communication creates obstacles to form welfare state.
8. Narrow loyalties
 Until now the Asian, African and Latin American countries were not well developed. The living standards of people of these countries are not developed. They are not free from family, cast, race, language, religion and culture and the feeling of loyalties.
9. Unemployment
 The uncontrollable population growth is the main key factor of unemployment. The program of family planning cannot be fully implemented in underdeveloped countries. Therefore in this kind of countries rate of employment is so low. Therefore the unemployment is one big problem for the welfare state.
10. Illiteracy
 The main obstacle for the establishment of welfare state is the level of education is low. The uneducated person doesn’t know about his rights and duties. Until till now the people of underdeveloped countries are educated. The people of uneducated don’t know the concept of welfare state.


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