General Introduction to Power and Authority

Power and Authority
The political power is a key concept of time of Plato the relation of power to politics has been the central point in western political thought. Even in the modern time it is also the key point of study. Politics is the game of power, without the power politics will be incomplete.
There is no real agreement among the modern political scientist as to what the concept of power denotes. Authority is that form of power which is accepted as legitimate which that is right and judges. That is the reason, why it is obeyed by all.

Political power may be defined as a capacity of individual or a group or a given class to affect the other’s behavior by sanctions which may take the form of conation or inducement. The following are some important definition regarding the power.
According to Hobbes, “Power is a personal means to secure some future apparent goods.
According to Locke, he has rejected the Hobbes consent by saying that – power are relation not an agents.”
According to Robert Dahl,” power as influence A has power over B to extend that A can get B to something that B would not otherwise do.
From above discussion it can be sum that the power is a capacity to control the others thought habit and action and to divert them to act according to one’s will or desire.

Element or Sources of power
The following are the main element or sources of power
Possession and achievement
Religious organization
Mass support
Wealth and property
Military police organization

Kinds of power
The kinds of power are listed below;
Legitimate power/ legal/ Traditional/ monarchy system
Charismatic / Persuasive power
Inductive or motivate
Direct and indirect power
Potent and latent
Formal power or informal power
Attractive power
No society can imagine where authority of any kind is not exercise. Authority is a formal power. It is a legitimatize power. It has the official or formal way and sanction to grant it as authentic or legitimate election etc. which have been legitimized through constitution, law, rule and regulation etc. The power ay be exercised on the basis of tradition or may it have been delegated any other way like in Nepal, the government is delegated normally in every 5 years through election.
In this way authority is a power which is gained on the basis of legitimacy. As it a declared power therefore the authority or power can even use the force even to controlled the people, if they denied it. The rule also can apply any alternation to rule over the people and to maintain the peace and security.
The people obey it because they think it is the right to do so. In a few cases obedience may be imposed for some or its entire societies member for a time being. But no peace can be maintained for long on the basis of force alone.
To exercise authority successfully there must be a wide speared recognized legitimacy or right to command.

Definition of Authority
There are number of definition regarding the term authority among them some important definitions are as follows;
According to Robert Dhal, “Authority is a highly efficient form of influence.”
According to Talcott Parson, “Authority is the legitimated right to make certain authorize fo decision and find a collectivity to them.”According to Finer, “Authority is a two way process – a claim to obeyed and a recognition that disclaim moral right.”

Types of Authority
According to Max Weber the authority has three categories or types
Charismatic authority
Traditional authority
Legal authority

Charismatic authority
A charismatic authority rest on the people’s faith in the actual or pre-assumed and exceptional personal qualities of the leader. Generally, these types of authority are known as a revolutionary. It is because it totally rejects the traditional norms and values and adopts the new one which is being recognized by the society.
In a charismatic authority the leader impressed the society of the people on the basis of efficient qualities of leadership and the exceptional skills. Charismatic authority may totally or partially rejects the personal or selfishness and rest ends and rest on reality.

Traditional authority
The traditional authority is a result of transfer of authority continuously from one generation to another it means in such system the person to hold the authority will always be a subordinate one. In these types of authority the subordinate except the traditional power which is exercise or established b his ancestor.
The monarchial system is the example of traditional authority.

Legal authority
The legal authority on the other hand is authorized or legitimate or recognized by the process of legal basis. It is mainly the characteristics of modern industrial, bureaucratic society or the state in which those entitled to make orders it is his authority to rule the state according to the establish rule and regulation of ht estate. Which can be justified more or less rational basis; it may be given in modern state only if the authority is recognized as constitutional. It commands the order on the basis of consent of the people by election process. In this system they said person or authority exercised the power to run the State on the basis of fundamental principle lay down by the principles.


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