Introduction to Non alignment movement

                                                       Non-Alignment Movement
§  Do you agree that Non-Alignment Movement has lost its relevance (significant or importance) in the post cold war period? Justify.
§  Non-alignment as a movement represented a viable (practical) international phenomenon at one time. What in your view were the fundamentals that were missing which led to the movement losing its stream?
§  The Non-Alignment Movement started at a height of cold war. Would you justify its relevance and continuity in the present day world?
Chief Protagonists: India, Yugoslavia, Indonesia, Egypt and Ghana
Formal Establishment date: 1961
Members in the beginning: 25 (Belgrade Summit, 1961)
Number of members at present: 118
Staffs: No
Organs: chairman, Bureau, Summit, Foreign Minister level Meeting, Anti-imperialist movement
US alliance: 40 countries
USSR alliance: 40 countries                                                             sumimit: 15th in Egypt (2009)
Headquarter: Based on UN headquarter              Flexible organization structure meet time to time to garner
 Age of NAM: About 5 decades                          support for specific issues and also to promote their
1.      Objectives of Non-Alignment Movement
2.      Principles of Non-Alignment Movement
3.      Achievements of Non-Alignment Movement
4.      Failure of Non-Alignment Movement
5.      Challenges of Non-Alignment Movement
6.      Relevance in Post-cold war scenario
7.      Neutrality of Non-Alignment Movement
8.      Steps needed to strengthen Non-Alignment Movement
9.      Role of Nepal in Non-Alignment Movement
10.  Characteristics of Non-alignment Movement
11.  Bases and Causes of Non-Alignment Movement
12.  Growth and Role of Non-Alignment Movement
13.  Critical Evaluation of Non-Alignment Movement
What is Non-Alignment?
Ø  Positive concept/ political concept/ economic concept (promotes certain values and goals)
Ø  Active and dynamic policy
Ø  Not aligning with any block but being friendly to everyone
Ø  Positive neutrality (need not be neutral at all circumstances/ situation)
     Non-Alignment Movement
Camp of Peace, goodwill and co-operation


     Capitalist Camp                                                                                                          Communist Camp

Non-Alignment is one of those phenomenons which appeared on the international scene after Second Word War when the world was divided into two hostile power blocs. The contradictions of the cold war created the situation in which it became essential for the newly independent states to declare their determination to avoid military alliances dominated by the two super powers. These newly independent states refused to join the existing military alliances notwithstanding (although), their former allegiances and economic and military weakness. These nations were interested to play active role in the shaping of their own future and to influence world affairs in general. These nations felt that the only way through which they could achieve their goal was to adopt a policy of non-alignment.

Outstanding contribution of newly independent states of Asia, Africa and Latin America is giving of concrete shape to the abstract concept of non-alignment. This concept gained currency (prevalence) in 1955 at Bangdurg Conference, albeit (although) it was upper most in the mind of Pandit Nehru as early as 1946. However, as a movement it was formally established in 1961 at Belgrade Conference. It was as such a post-war phenomenon of the time when cold war at its height and the world was divided into two power blocs. Some of the newly independent countries visualized the danger to their newly gained independence in aligning with either of the two blocs. Their involvement in cold war was fraught /burdened with gloomy prospects of their economic, social and political development. They wanted to conserve their scarce natural and capital resources for the reconstructing of their backward economics. This could be feasibly /possibly only if they shunned alliances and power struggle and strived for peaceful atmosphere.
The pioneers of the notion of non-alignment were Nehru of India, Tito of Yugoslavia, Nasser of Egypt and Sulcharno of Indonesia. It became a significant movement that if influenced the nature of international relations in diverse ways. Thus, non-alignment both as a foreign policy of the most new nations and as an international movement remained a critical factor in contemporary international relations, for many years. Non-Alignment Movement began its chequered history as the foreign policy strategy of the newly independent states after Second World War. Now many Non-Alignment Movement nations have developed so far that former colonizers raise their brows. States from Asia, Africa, Europe, the Arab worlds, Latin America and the Caribbean gathered under the umbrella of Non-Alignment Movement with the Herculean task of preventing total annihilation (total destruction) of mankind due to containment (control) policy of US and expansionist policy of USSR.


The term non-alignment has a specific meaning. Many western scholars tagged it as neutrality or neutralism Schwarzenberger made many synonymous terms- isolationism, non-commitment, neutrality, neutralization, unilateralism and non-involvement.
*        Isolationism stands for policies of aloofness (unfriendliness) varying from the known isolation of the US before First World War to postures of in offensiveness in international affairs,
*        Non-alignment refers to politics of detachment (lack of involvement/ indifference) for other powers in a triangular or multi-corner relationship,
*        Neutrality describes the political and legal status of a country at war with respect to the belligerents. It has little meaning expectant the time of war.
*        Neutralization means a permanent neutral status of a particular state which it can’t give up under any circumstances, e.g. Switzerland is neutralized state.
*        Unilateralism is identified with policies of calculated risks such as the destruction of own thermo-nuclear weapons at one’s own stance.
*        Non-involvement means keeping away from the ideological struggle between the different super powers, though permitting a certain degree of flexibility when absolutely unavoidable.

Non-alignment has a broader meaning and thus has a distinct character. It means that a nation pursuing such a policy need not be neutral under all circumstances. It can participate actively in world affairs under exceptional circumstances. Unlike neutrality, non-alignment arms at keeping away but it keeps away not from a particular conflict or issue but from a persisting international tension like cold war. Since, military alliances were an important aspect of cold war, non- alignment naturally insisted on shunning from these alliances. Any military alliance - either bilateral or multilateral – formed during cold war days was a violation of non-alignment movement. It is, therefore, a foreign policy perspective that advocates freedom from commitment to any power blocs, it stresses on the independence of choice and action in external affairs.
The policy of non-aligning with any bloc, but at the same time being friendly to everyone, so that it might be feasible to have a moderating impact on international relations, came to be popularly called as non-alignment. It would enable a nation to judge each issue on mort and decide upon its course independently without being influenced by any previous commitment or blocs.
Non- alignment is neither a passive nor a negative policy. It should be understood like the meaning of some terms “ahinsa”, “apramad” which have positive meanings.
As a positive concept it has several dimensions. It naturally opposes certain values and promotes others which are in harmony with its basic orientation. The chief goals of it in the 50s and 60s were decolonization and the preservation of international peace, of late, it has been contributing positively for attaining a new international economic order and a new information order based on equity, justice, freedom and the eradication of exploitation and domination. It is positive since it strives for certain values and goals.
As an activist and dynamic policy it takes specific sides on merit of each case. This implies that issue bound tilts in non-alignment are considered legitimate and the concept, therefore, does not imply equidistance from both the super powers. But at the same time it rejects the idea of natural allies recently coined to justify certain alliance of the non-aligned states with certain powers. It is thus an active policy as it envisages an active role for the non-aligned countries in world affairs, Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda elaborated on the goodness of this concept in 1964, in these words:
“It is a determination to preserve independence, sovereignty, to respect such independence and sovereignty in other state and to decline to take sides in the major ideological struggles which rend the word….. We will not hitch our carriage to any nation’s engine and be drawn along their rain way line.”  
The criteria of non-alignment determined as easily as June 1961 at Cairo were:
1)      A country should follow an independent policy based on peaceful co-existence and non-alignment, or should be showing a trend in favor of such a policy.
2)      It should consistently have supported movements for national independence.
3)      It should not be a member of multi-lateral military alliances concluded in the context of Great Power Conflicts.
4)      If it has conceded military bases, these concessions should not have been made in the context of Great Power Conflicts.
5)      If it is a member of a bilateral or regional defense arrangement, this should not be in the context of Great Power Conflicts.
     The disintegration of alliance system in recent years is indeed a vindication of the non- aligned position. Subsequent, to the process of disintegration, non-aligned movement, increasingly concentrating on economic issues and emancipation.

Characteristics of Non-Alignment Movement
The conceptual imperatives and main features of non-alignment can be enumerated as below:
                                                                    FROG SA4 DAN
1.      Adverse to military alliances                          F= friendship and equality    
2.      Adverse to cold war                                       R= Revolutionary outlook
3.      Adverse to ideological polarization               O= Own path of development
4.      Own path of development                              G= Growing Institutionalization
5.      Revolutionary outlook                              
6.      Friendship and equality                                  
7.      Support to UNO                                               
8.      Able leadership                                                 S= Support to UNO
9.      Doubtful genuineness                                        A4= Adverse to military alliances
10.  Alignments within non-alignment                           Adverse to cold war
11.  Not “Double Alignment                                           Adverse to ideological polarization
12.  Growing institutionalization                                     Able Leadership
                                                                                        D= Doubtful Genuineness
                                                                                        A= Alignments with non-alignment
                                                                                        N= Not “Double Alignment

1. Adverse to military alliances
              Non-alignment opposed military alliances and arms race because both of them charge the atmosphere with war hysteria, ANZUS (51), NATO, SEATO (54-77), CENTO (58-79), Warsa Pact, Manila Pact, Baghdad Pact, etc. were opposed by it and misuse of world resources by building up arms was also negated  by it. These countries belong to one camp – the camp of peace, goodwill and cooperation.
2. Adverse to cold war
             Power blocs undermined the existence of newer national identities and the nations were considered as satellites. Cold war in any form set at naught the developmental needs of the new states and undermined the prospects for peace.
            3. Adverse to ideological polarization
            They remained adverse to the ideological polarization between socialism and capitalism. These rigidities were merely the means to legitimize state-centric devices of the super powers.
            4. Own path of development
             They refused to accept the economic, political and social systems of either bloc in two. They were eager to develop their economy, polity and society in conformity with their own outlook and way of life. They considered to be kept free to take plus points from any country or any system in order to have a healthy and quick development.
            5. Revolutionary outlook
             Non-aligned countries attained independence after a revolutionary struggle with their colonial powers. Independence satisfied their aspiration for political freedom but they were far behind the economic development. They adopted revolutionary method to achieve fast progress. Some succeeded and other faced hurdles in their mission. Some had to abandon democratic methods and others had to resort authoritarian techniques to achieve quick results.
           6. Friendship and equality
             Non-alignment is also concerned with friendly relations among all nation-states on the principle of equality, justice, and reciprocity. They followed the theories of national self-determination and peaceful co-existence in order is achieving the cherished values of the international polity and brotherhood.
            7. Support to UNO
             They endeavor to strengthen UNO. It aims at importing new vigor and vitality to the UN in order to prevent it from becoming a battlefield of super-power rivalry and misapprehensions.
            8. Able Leadership
             Able leaders like Nehru, Tito, Nasser, Sukarno, etc. have been its torch bearers in the post-war period. Under the brilliant leadership of these personalities that Non-Alignment Movement became popular and assumed the form of a worldwide movement.
            9. Doubtful genuineness
             Westerners blamed it to be not genuinely non-aligned because they had close relationship with two blocs. Blocs were doubtful on genuineness of the non-aligned countries.

            10. Alignment within non-alignment
             Many groups formed on the basis of regionalism, religion, ideology, security considerations and economic co-operations have raised their heads within this movement. In non-aligned meeting or in the UN, many countries supported their respective patrons. Many south Asian nations have recently grouped themselves to make identical views on several issues, different from Indian views. These countries are apprehensive of Indian’s big brother attitude.
           11. Not “Double Alignment”
             Non-aligned countries can have friendly relationship with both power blocs which are neither the violation of non-alignment nor the “opportunism”. Some critics alleged it to be a “double alignment”. Having friendly relations with both blocs these countries can have assistance from both blocs and these nations may continue to play their role in the easing of international tensions.
            12. Growing institutionalization
             It was not a separate third blocs but a third area which would be “an area of peace”. So, the secretarial was not built because it would put on a straight jacket of institutionalization. Non-alignment movement is not an organization but a movement that recognized the need for a backup system that could provide service and continuity.
             In 1973’s Algiers Summit, Co-ordination bureau was set up, Summits is held in the interval of every three years. Foreign ministers of each country meet before each summit to prepare the agenda of summit. It hints the gradual institutionalization of non-alignment.
            Basis and Causes of Non-alignment Movement
            Two types of bases upon which this policy is relied:-
            A. Negative Basis
            B. Positive Basis

            A. Negative Basis
            1. Dissolution with military alliances
             Single negative base of it is its opposition to military alliances and cold war politics military pacts accelerated arms race, enhanced rivalry and tensions and thus were considered harmful for world peace. This was the basic reason for adopting non-alignment policy by newly independent nations.

            B. Positive Basis
            2. Ideological Basis
             These nations thought it better to evolve their own ideologies and system except (capitalism and communism) that may conform is their indigenous need and traditions and fulfils the aspirations of their people. So, they promoted to pursue the path of non-alignment.
            3. Independent Foreign policy
             The principle of freedom of opinion or independence of judgment in the conduct of foreign affairs was the main basis on which the edifice (construction) of non-alignment was erected.
            4. Economic basis
             Many nations were economically backward and were in dire need of capital and technical knowhow for achieving the goal of economic development and self-reliance. This goal could possibly be achieved in a better way if they maintained cordial and friendly with both blocs and gain maximum economic benefits from without any political string. Though these countries were charged as having “double alignment”, they succeeded to flow help from both power blocs.
            5. Strengthening UNO
             Many Afro-Asian nations had calculated the points behind league of Nation’s failure and so they remained non-aligned to strengthen UNO and its Principles.
            Growth and Role of the Non-Alignment Movement

            Non-Alignment Movement Conferences

             Owing to the above reasons, the Non-Alignment Movement was originated in 1955 when Afro-Asian nations met at Bandung (Indonesia) to thrash out the means of combating colonialism and dealing with the situation arising out of the cold war and bi-polarism. Bandung conference was a grand assembly stimulate co-operation among Afro-Asians. With an Asian-Nehru, an African-Nasser and European-Tito leading them, the non-aligned countries became more ambitious in international relations and hoped to be able to bring pressure to bear on the super powers in cold war matters. This conference was followed by the string of conferences along with the increase in the participating countries and it famed the significance of Non-alignment movement worldwide. By 2003, Non-alignment movement’s membership rose to 116, and now presently its members are 118. Lusalca Conference 1973, decided to hold summit conference of Non-alignment movement countries after every 3 years. Below is given the account of the evolution of Non-Alignment Movement through different conferences:

            Role in the 50s and the 60s
             Non-alignment movement’s history began with moral project. By opposing the cold war, supporting the end of colonialism and racialism, calling for disarmament and endeavoring to settle disputes through negotiations, the Non-alignment movement played its significant role in achieving the goal of international peace.

            Role in 70s
             In 70s, process of détente assumed great significance. Non-aligned countries boldly gave a call for New International Economic Order (NIEO) whose attainment would mask the fall of neo-colonialism.
             In the end of 70s, détente suffered a serious setback and New Cold War appeared in the horizon due to covert military relations between power blocs and some non-aligned countries. But they were not ready to accept it. This new scenario caused intensification of regional conflicts and the danger to independence and development of the non-aligned countries.

            Role in 80s
             Now Non-alignment movement’s approach towards peace and development witnessed a distinct change. They also strongly pleaded for holing arms control talks. They demanded an early to racialism and apartheid in South Africa. Demand for NIEO was slackened and rather they politely demanded aid convincing that it would also help the donors. Co-operation rather than confrontation became the key note to their appeal for aid.

            Role in 90s
             Communism collapsed in the Soviet Union and the East Europe. Military alliances were disintegrated, ideological factors in international relations receded in the background and cold war came to an end. In this changed situation many felt that Non-alignment movement has outlived its utility in the post cold-war era. There were proposals to either change Non-alignment movement’s name to Third World movement or to merge it with G-77 to enlarge its options of economic co-operation.

                                    Foreign Minister meeting at Acora to prepare the agenda for Jakarta Summit 1992 rejected the above proposals. Rather the declaration stated that end of the era of East-West clash had opened up unprecedented vistas for world peace and co-operation. The Action Plan dealt with the reform of the UN, international security and disarmament, regional conflicts, South Africa Fund, the process of decolonization, the external debt problem, science and technology, North-South and South-South co-operation. The plan document concluded that the recent developments “constitute a crisis for the Non-alignment movement” and therefore its member countries must endeavor (try/make an effort) to play a key role in shaping the UN in the future and not submit themselves to the move for marginalization.

                                            Relevance / Important Points

            The Jakarta Conference 1992 reiterated that the new challenge of Non-alignment movement was economic struggle, but not the political struggle. The Jakarta message called for:

1.      A New International Order through the UN,                                                   (Economic)
2.      Preparing proposals for restructuring and democratization of the UN system,(Institutional)
3.      Co-coordinating efforts with G-77 and South-South cooperation,                  (Economic)
4.      Eliminating all weapons of mass destruction,                                                 (Political)
5.      Co-operating in areas of food, population, trade and investment,                  (Socio-Economic)
6.      Interdependence, integration and globalization of the world economy,         (Economic)
7.      Non-imposing of conditionalities on others,                                                  (Political)

11th Summit of Non-alignment movement in Cartagena 1995, made a call for:

Ø  Establishment of a world free from nuclear weapons,                   (Political)
Ø  Ensuring an equitable international flow of trade and technology,(Economic)
Ø  Combating terrorism and religious extremism,                               (Political)
Ø  Fighting poverty, drug trafficking, environmental destruction,      (Social)
Ø  Reforming the UN,                                                                       (Institutional)

The Summit was critical of economic conditions imposed on developing countries, opposed interventionism and called for a joint fight against racism and xenophobia which marginalized the Third World.

The 12th Summit at Durban 1998 came out with the declaration which deals with:

*        Nuclear non-proliferation
*        Disarmament
*        Security
*        Development
*        Human rights
*        Environment and transfer of technology

 However there was no agreement on issues like good governance, creation of safeguards for human rights and the problems related to international trading arrangements being enforced through the WTO.

The 13th Summit at Kuala Lumpur in 2003 was an attempt to evolve a consensus on the contours of a new Non-alignment movement political agenda. Top agendas were the strategic challenges of worldwide terrorism and the non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), both were contemporary issues. Economic globalization proved to be a less contentious issue.

The 14th Summit at Hawana in 2006, (September 15-16) issued the Non-alignment movement political Declaration calling on member to “remain united, firm and to shoulder a greater level of activism.”

15th Summit at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt in 1009, (September 1-6)

16th Summit in Iran, 2012

Critical Evaluation of Non-Alignment Movement
Ø  Achievements
Ø  Criticism/ Failure

Achievements of Non-alignment and its impact on international relations are summarized below:
1.      World peace
2.      End of Cold War
3.      End of Bi-Polarism
4.      End of colonialism
5.      End of racialism
6.      End of military alliances
7.      Minimized the arms race
8.      Preservation of independence
9.      Strengthened UNO
10.  Universal international system
11.  More economic aid
12.  New economic order
13.  New communication order

1. World Peace
These countries launched an active international struggle for world peace in the days of cold war, bi-polarism and militarism. They have made a principled contribution towards the maintenance of world peace and prevention of global and regional conflicts.
2. End of Cold War
Non-alignment movement adhered to the principle of peaceful co-existence and denounced cold war. In making big powers to realize the futility of engaging themselves in cold war and in warning the weaker nations not to fall a prey to power rivalry, Non-alignment movement played its role in ending the cold war.
3. End of colonialism
By supporting the unconditional, immediate and total abolition of colonialism, withdrawal of foreign troops from colonial territories, support for the people fighting for the right to national self-determination and concerted efforts to end all varieties of neo-colonialism and imperialist domination, Non-Alignment helped in a rapid decolonization of the world.
4. End of Bi-polarism
Proliferation of non-alignment movement helped in the ending of bi-polarism and emergence of multi-polarism.
5. End of Racialism
Non-alignment movement played a significant role in eradicating the evils of the human, race – racial discrimination, apartheid in South Africa and hegemonies of all types.
6. End of Military alliances
Opposition to military alliances and discouraging the newly independent nation to join in the alliances were the objectives of Non-alignment. Grumbling of SEATO, CENTO, Warsa Pact, etc. justify the stand taken by non-aligned countries.
7. Minimised the arms race
Non-alignment movement made the world aware of the perilous implications of arms race both conventional and nuclear. They ventured towards the idea of disarmament.
8. Preservation of independence
Non-alignment movement endeavored to preserve the hard earned independence of the newly liberated states. The non-alignment implies independence of judgment and the countries following this policy judged events and problems on merits rather than preconceived ideological notions and affinities.
9. Strengthened UNO
The Non-alignment movement made notable influence on the decisions of the General Assembly, even though they are helpless before the Veto powers. Majority decisions can’t be taken without their support. Non-alignment has made the UN peacekeeping functions conducive. It has also made the working of the UN more participative and democratic. This world government is enlivened by it.
10. Universal international system
Non-alignment movement redefined the role of weak nations- making them subjects not the objects of international relations and thus laid foundations, of a universal international system based on the principle of equality and justice. It converted the Euro-centric international relations into worldwide relations and thus internationalized the international relations in true sense.
11. More economic aid
By pursing the non-aligned policy, many countries were able to receive economic aid and assistance for their development from both power blocs.
12. New Economic Order
Non-alignment movement’s initiatives familiarized the need for a New International Economic Order based on both political and economic equality. In this connection they are endeavoring for North-South dialogue and South-South Cooperation.
13. New Communication order
Non-alignment movement ended the monopoly of western agencies over the news dissemination services. Western monopoly over mass media created a lot of distortion in projecting the image of the non-aligned countries. Realizing the crucial role of the dissemination of information and communications in enlarging mutual understanding, they have set up the non-aligned News pool.

Criticism of Non-alignment movement

Scholars especially Western have bitterly criticized non-alignment as a selfish policy, a baseless ideology and an opportunistic attitude,
Bad H2L f^n2l s2w
1.      Ambiguous concept
2.      Not a model of behavior
3.      Selfish policy
4.      Opportunistic and immoral
5.      Bloc mentality
6.      Harsh towards west, soft towards East
7.      Disunity
8.      Serious dilemma
9.      Hypocrisy
10.  Labour union approach
11.  Factionalism
12.  Like alliance system
13.  Worthless declarations and conference
14.  No results.
1. Ambiguous concept
What non-alignment means? Is it positive or negative concept? The term “non-alignment” is in common use but its true meaning hadn’t been analyzed. As a corollary, there is no popular understanding of the concept among the majority of the people. Western scholars took the job of analysis but recently non-aligned countries scholars have endeavored to analyze if scientifically and vividly.
2. Not a model of behavior
Non-alignment movement’s profounder claim that it provides a model of international behavior which all countries should adopt in the interest of peaceful relations. But critics observe that it’s vacillating policy of unrealistic expediency, of black mail, of irresponsibility and of opportunism.
3. Selfish policy
Non-alignment is a policy of selfishness of course; national interest is the main basis of all foreign policies. Though there’s a general expression that non-aligned countries are not self-seekers, we can say that like other concepts- laissez-faire, balance of power collective security etc.- this too has come out of expediency and self-interest.

4. Opportunistic and immoral
For Westerners, non-alignment was alignments with both cold war camps. The desire of non-aligned countries to have friendship with both power blocs was misinterpreted as a policy of “double alignment”.
5. Bloc Mentality
Many non-aligned countries are neither impartial nor judge issues on merit because they suffer from bloc mentality. From time to time, they have chosen to associate themselves with one or the other of the super powers, so closely that their status as non-aligned might be under eraser, India, for example, in 1971, chose to conclude a “treaty of peace and friendship” with the USSR.
6. Harsh towards West, soft towards East
Change is that they have been “harsh” towards the capitalist powers and “soft” towards the communist powers. They are criticized on the ground of adopting a policy of “double standard”; so, it has become a subject of criticism for western powers. But fault lies with the westerner themselves too, because they always followed colonial or orientalistic policies.
7. Disunity
The diversity inherent among Third World nations badly affected its cohesiveness. Non-alignment movement countries had many interstate or regional conflicts among themselves which they failed to resolve amicably. Of the 200 odd conflicts in the1970s and 1980s, all of them involving Third World countries, very few can be described as proxy wars promoted, by the superpowers. In any case, the members are too diverse to have any impact.
8. Serious Dilemma
The Non-alignment movement is passing through a serious dilemma of more members and less strength. The ideals of the movement have been diluted and it has been become increasingly tough to establish unity of purpose and coordination of action with the group.
9. Hypocrsy
Relatively rich and prosperous countries of Non-alignment movement are not kind enough towards their backward colleagues in the Third World, though they severally attack the Western developed powers on that ground
10. Labour Union approach
In mid-70s, the Non-alignment movement adopted a militant posture and radical rhetorics towards the North, while demanding for a New International Economic Order. They took a path of confrontation and converted movement for “NIEO’ into “Class war” against the developed countries. But this labour union approach was not fruitful and of late, they moderated the demand for NIEO. Now call for Class War appears to have been replaced by the call for “co-operation”.
11. Factionalism
Non-aligned countries might be divided into three categories;
Radicals (Pro-communist)
Conservatives (pro-capitalist) and,
Independent (Pro-non-alignment).
Roughly half of these countries can be considered truly non-aligned. This was evident in Havana Summit 1979, Groupism and differences were prevalent in 19th and 13th summits too.
12. like alliance system
To pretend that Non-alignment movement is not an alliance, the non-aligned assembly decided to have a chairman, a bureau, a regular calendar of meetings at different levels, and a summit every three years. By this increasing institutionalization, Non-alignment movement stepped into the diplomatic style of the two alliance systems.

13. Worthless declarations and conferences
Non-alignment movement declarations are simply the reiteration of resolutions of the UN and its agencies. Host country spends a lot for momentary prestige and international publicity. It’s like a club and all it does, is to have summit to make speeches which are seldom followed by any concrete action.
14. No result
Despite its all claims Non-alignment has nothing concrete to its credit in solving any international or regional problems. It’s the UN which is working hard. The Non-alignment movement to establish, a NIEO or, a, New World Information Order.
Notwithstanding the above criticism, Non-alignment movement has played a crucial role in international relations and has had several positive impacts on the world affairs. Some scholars have recommended that Non-alignment movement has to seek compromises, adjustments, accommodations and mutations in order to validate itself in accordance with the growing complexities of the global scenario. It is as much economically relevant today as it was politically relevant in the days to cold war.

Relevance of Non-Alignment Movement

Relevance of Non-alignment movement has become a great subject of debate in post-cold war contemporary world. There are two schools of thoughts. One believes that it is no more valid in the present changed conditions. Another still has faith in its relevance notwithstanding the changed world ambience.
1)      Irrelevant and Invalid (Political Emancipation)
2)      Still Relevant and Valid (Economic Emancipation)

1. Irrelevant and Invalid (Political Emancipation)
Criticisms of Non-alignment movement done by many scholars support the irrelevancy and invalidity of Non-alignment movement.
Previously Western scholars underrated its relevance but in the last few years non-western scholars and leaders have also started realizing the redundancy and irrelevance of this movement. The circumstances that led to the creation of this movement have undergone a sea change. The following changes have rendered the relevance of the Non-alignment movement doubtful:
*        Decolonization has become, a fast accompli, ( action already done and can’t be changed)
*        Cold-War has ended and détente is again burgeoning with new vigor and vitality.
*        Military blocs have tumbled down
*        Military bases have become a thing of the past owing to advance in science and technology and its use for military purposes.
*        Collapse of communism and communist bloc and resultants de-ideologisation of world politics
*        Irreversible trends towards peaceful co-existence and active economic cooperation.
*        Trend towards disarmament has been gaining momentum since 1991. The aligned of the East and West have taken steps towards 20-30% reduction in defense forces.
*        Now USA is a core-power and Non-alignment movement countries want to leave this movement. Argentina dropped out Non-alignment movement in1991, where is the question of keeping aloof from rival blocs, if there’s only one power?

Non-Alignment Movement turned out to be defunct (invalid) due to following reasons:-
1.      Out –dated economic stand
2.      Lack of economic pragmatism
3.      Duplicacy
4.      Leadership vacuum
5.      Lack of issues
1. Out-dated economic stand
Non-alignment movement has been trying to get aids from rich nations. It wants that rich nations commit 0.7% of their GDP as aid. Instead of relying on aid, Non-alignment movement member have to get more private investment into their countries. “Not aid but trade” policy should be adopted.
2. Lack of economic pragmatism
Non-alignment movement members are rooted in the ideas of socialism and state-control which are out-dated. They continue complaining about the IMF and the WTO but lack the muscle to do anything. Rather than complain about the new trade regime, the countries must adjust to changing realities.
3. Duplicacy
Non-alignment movement today competes with G-7, ASEAN and the common wealth which deal with economic and trade issues. Non-alignment movement neither does that, nor takes any diplomatic initiatives. It has no position even on issues like human rights, child exploitation and gender issues. As a result, Non-alignment movement members have to follow the Western dictates in this regard.
4. Leadership vacuum
There’s no leadership on global issues. There are many disagreements among members. Chariotnatic leaders are no more there to provide it path and direction.
5. Lack of issues
It could have provided some leadership on things like nuclear non-proleferation, child labour, poverty and terrorism besides other social and economic issues. It needs issues to focus for playing effective role in the world politics in the future.

Even on the consensus having items such as the drug trade, international terrorism and nuclear non-proliferation, Non-alignment movement hasn’t been able to achieve anything.

This erodes the credibility of the movement as an instrument to further the political and economic interests of its members. Unless Non-alignment movement redefines its terms of reference and chalks out a strategy to counter US influence on the world, it will remain marginalized and irrelevant summit after collapse of cold war have been unable to chart out the contextual plan. The summits have, thus, been cosmetic in nature.

Some members of Non-alignment movement even proposed to change its name as “Third World Movement”. Egypt wanted to merge it with G-77. These proposals show that member –states doubt the relevance and continuity of the movement. In Acora meeting, there had been an impression that Non-alignment movement was now in a vacuum and had to find a new rote and a new identity.
*        Create new world order’ to save the globle from further economic recession
*        Combating terrorism
*        Ensure participation in international decision making and norm setting institutions including financial institutions.

2. Still Relevant and Valid (Economic Emancipation)

12th Summit of Durban conceded that Non-alignment Movement is standing at the thresh hold of new era-“an era that offers great opportunity yet pose special danger for the developing world”.

Non-alignment movement has assumed a novel role even in the changed context. It its political relevance has become absolute, its economic significance has increased manifold.

First Foreign Minister’s Meeting after the collapse of USSR made the 22- page declaration entitled “A World in Transition for Diminishing Confrontation towards increasing Cooperation” which emphasized that Non-alignment movement’s new focus must be on eradicating poverty, hunger, malnutrition and illiteracy and called on the international community to help. Non-alignment movement supported the present efforts at strengthening the UN so as to render it “more democratic, effective and efficient”. There was consensus for bridging agreement between Non-alignment movement and G-77.

Now, Non-alignment movement has not outlived its utility rather it’s becoming more popular. If it hadn’t been so, why should more countries seek the Non-alignment movement membership? Mongolia was granted admission. Germany requested to be allowed to attend the session as a guest along with the Netherlands.

In the growing multi-centric world order with the decline of prominent status of the superpowers, limiting Non-alignment movement to a Third World Movement would prevent it from getting a fair hearing from some of the emerging centers of power. To confine it in terms of geographical boundaries will act as reversal of its international role to that of a regional movement.

Though the slogan “Non-Alignment Movement is dead” is prevalent among Western commentators, Non-alignment movement is perhaps even more relevant now to international relations and development than at any time in its history. All the developments of a unipolar world are bound to make the non-aligned movement once again relevant.

Non-alignment movement is fundamentally a political concept. Nehru, Tito, Sukarno and Nasser did not envisage full economic cooperation as part of Non-alignment movement. But now the movement is shifting its emphasis from the political to the economic arena. Obviously, if Non-alignment movement is to give priority to economic problems, it is perhaps because it has little role to play in the political arena.

In the post-cold war period the Non-alignment movement is struggling hard to prove its worth by striving to work for the following contemporary issues:-

1.      Setting up a equitable New International Order of the UN (Economic)
2.      Restructuring and democratization of the UN (Institutional )
3.      Strengthening of the UNCTAD and UNIDO (economic)
4.      Co-coordinating with G-77 and stressing South-South Co-operation (economic)
5.      Co-operating in areas of food production, population, trade and investment (socio-economic)
6.      Ensuring equitable international flow of trade and transfer of technology (economic) consolidate the movement through necessary reform.
7.      Working for non-proliferation and nuclear weapon free world (political)
8.      Combating terrorism, extremism and racism(political)
9.      Fighting poverty, drug trafficking and environmental degradation(social)
10.  Opposing interventionism and imposition of economic conditions on developing countries. (Political)

*        Cooperation to make common stand in WTO negotiation
*        Adhere to the principles and objectives of Non-alignment by its members and build a common bargaining platform

Non-alignment movement is neither willing to be marginalized nor invalidated. How far it succeeds in this is in the womb of future. To withstand tide of change in the world is indeed a great challenge for the Non-alignment movement. End of cold war has replaced the “nuclear bomb” with “social bomb”, with poverty, underdevelopment, violence and terrorism topping the priority list and getting intertwined with the security problem of the South to which there can be no military solution. Richest 20% of world population held 83% of the world wealth and the poorest 20% hold only 1.4%

Developmental prerequisites (fundamentals/ basics) of Non-Alignment Movement countries:-
1.      Internal stability
2.      Territorial security, and
3.      Material and human resources

Objectives of Non-Alignment Movement
1.      Preserve the independence territorial integrity and sovereignty of states, (Political)
2.      Attain general and complete disarmament under effective international control,(political)
3.      Grant right to self-determination to people under colonial or other forms of alien domination,
4.      Achieve equality among nations, (economic and political)
5.      Extend full respect for international law, (law)
6.      Seek pacific settlement of disputes, (law)
7.      Democratize international relations, (political)
8.      Attain economic and social development of member nations, (socio-economic)
9.      Set up an equitable international order, (political)
10.  Develop human resources, (economic-social)
11.  Protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development, (political)
12.  Promote co-existence of different systems, cultures and societies.

Principles of Non-Alignment Movement

1.      Global peace and disarmament
2.      National independence and preservation of sovereignty, including right of self-determination.
3.      Economic equality among nations (NIEO)
4.      Politico-cultural identity/equality (NIO/oppose cultural imperialism)
5.      Search for universalism and multilateralism (support UN)
6.      Panchashed
7.      Equitable access to information technology
8.      Sound globalization process,


  1. Thankyou for sharing such as nice article keep it sharing it will helpful for those people who are looking GC Tactical


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