Introduction to Origin of State

Unit II Origin of the State
This historical, evolutionary or developmental theory regarding the origin of the state is the most scientific theory. This theory is mostly accepted by the modern writes.
According to Garner, the state is neither a handy work of god nor the result of the superior physical force nor the creation of the convention nor mere expansion of the family. Hence State is not invention.
It cannot be referred back to any single point of time. The modern State is the historical growth. It is the product of evolution. It evolved through a long period of time. It is not proper to point out only one factor in order to explain about the origin of the state.
A multiplicity of factors has worked together. Therefore the modern State has come into being owing to various factors some operating in one place and some in other place.
The fundamental factors that have contributed to the growth and formation of the modern state are as follows.

Fundamental Factors which help for formation of State
A.                 Kinship (Blood Relation)
B.                 Divine Origin Theory (Magic or Religion)
C.                 Force Theory
D.                 Political Consciousness
E.                  Social Contract Theory

A.    Kinship (Blood Relation)
Kinship means the blood relationship Macivelle, “Kinship creates society and societies at length create the State.”
In early times it was a power bond of union large group or tribes were bound together by the bond or consent of king ship.
Henry Maine says that, the oldest social unit ways the trine; the family regarded at the first step towards the formation of the state. The families expanded into the clans the several clans shifted together to form the number of societies and towards the tribes.
Bond (First stage)
Family (second stage)
Society (third stage)
Tribes (fourth stage)
State (fifth stage)

B.     Divine Origin Theory
Divine Origin Theory is the oldest theory regarded that it attributes the origin of the State o will of the god. In ancient times people will terrify by various natural phenomena like earth quack, thunder, lightning, flood etc. the people obeyed the rule of the magician due to fear ignorance and superstition. As a result magicians were represented by all sooner or later the magician replaced by the priest, King.
In primitive society the politicians and religions were mixed up. The King priest was looked upon as a god. Therefore in earlier times religion play an important part in the formation of the State. Still it plays a vital role in the political life in the State.

C.    Force Theory
Force theory plays a vital role in formation of State. In early period weaker groups left in constant fear of night and they are ruled by annexed territory. Force was the determining factor in the establishment of a leadership. People group together under the banner of the powerful leaders. The command of the leader was law no body disregard it. Hence, the chief motive to form the State was the law of power. Even today it is not possible for a state to exist without the use of Force.

D.    Political consciousness
The political consciousness is another factor of the origin of the state by the political consciences we mean the realization of the certain ends to be achieved through political organization. But no one can say when it manifested itself. In early time the common ends were not clearly expressed.
With the increase in population primitive people mainly felt the necessity of an organization to maintain internal peace and security and to protect the life and property from the attack from other with the growth of such consciousness. Political was separated from religious and the customary laws replaced by the enacted.
But this theory gives us an idea only about the process of development of State. but it is also silent in the ends of the State.

E.     Social Contract Theory
The social contract theory is a most important theory of the state. According to this theory the origin of the state is the result of the agreement by the people voluntary to form a civilized society. This theory implies two things, first it seeks to explain the origin of state, it attempt to define the relationship between the rulers and rule. Thus, it is a theory both about the origin and nature of state.
The social contract theory tells us that in early society people lived in a state of nature but there was no law and authority to safe guard the life and liberty of the people. Hence they suffered a great cause and hardship in the state of nature as a result. The primitive people gave up the state of the nature and made a contract among them in other to escape from those problems and suffering which result the formation of state.
The chief exponents regarding the origin of state are Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. The views presented by them can be analyzed into two headings:
1.      State of nature
2.      Social contract 

According to Locke
State of Nature
In the state of nature lived or free and happy life. They also enjoyed the rights and freedom. But it was pre-political. Man was not quarrelsome, brutal and selfish. They were sympathetic towards other’s fellow men. The state of nature was “the state of equality and reason” rather than license. There was a state of peace, good well, mutual assistance and preservation.
But there were no definite and determinant laws. There was no competent authority to execute the laws, no independent and impartial arbitrator to settle the disputes.

Social contract     
The inconvenient condition was created only due to the condition of disorganization. So, in order to escape from inconvenient situation people abandoned the state of nature. They enter into an agreement with each other with one another to form a civilized society. There are two contract in Locke’s theory
a)      Social contract
b)      Government contract
According to Hobbes
State of Nature
Might is right was the main ethics in Hobbes’s state of nature. Man’s life was miserable. In the state of nature men were selfish and aggressive. They were always quarreling with one another. There was no peace and security in the state of nature. Every man was enemy to other.
To him, “men’s condition was solitary, nasty, brutish and short.” The weak people have no chance to survive.

Social Contract
Men meet together and inter into an agreement in order to have good and permanent end to superiority among the people. The people make up their mind to form a state through a voluntary contract. And they agreed to surrender their natural right to superior person or groups of person to whom they ought their allegiance. The contract was each man with all and all with each.
Every man said to every order other I authorize and give up of my rights giving myself to this man or group of man on this condition that thou give up the right to him and authorized all his actions in right manner.

According to Rousseau
State of Nature
The state of nature according to Rousseau was very good. There was perfect freedom and equality. Men were noble savages and they experienced idea happiness. Every man was kind and sympathetic towards his fellowmen people. They were away from the notion of vice.
But this state of nature did not continued for long time. The growth of population and size of private property were responsible for inequality and unhappiness among the people of nature of state.

Social contract
The solution of problem was found in a contract and the formation of the state or the civilize society. In other words each person made contract with all and all with each, as a result all the men dependent upon each and each dependent up all.

In brief, each man was under the control of entire community. There was only one contract in Rousseau’s social contract theory. Each man lost his happiness as soon as he made a social contract.
From above discussion, it is clear that the ancient people who were living in the state of nature and they coming to the contract or agreement with a view to form civilized society. On which all the three experts are agreed secondly, this philosopher opinion that the state originated as a result of the contract made by the people to escape from the inconveniences of the state of nature.
Though, they vary in other aspect like the condition of the state or the nature or the people and their habits, living styles etc.

Meaning and Concept of State
Dictionarically, the word “State” means, “a body of people politically organized under one government within a definite territory. In society there are different organization among these organization state has supreme level. From the ancient period human beings are living in this organization. The term state is used by different writer in different ways or senses.
 According to the Aristotle,                                
                                            “Man by nature is a political being.”
Without state his/ her life is incomplete so he has said that, state is prior to individual.” The term state has been developed from different name so it is accepted as an old term which is using as a state in present day.
 At first the Greek (yunane) use the word (polis) instead of state. It means city-state. But Roman used (civitas) and (republica) instead of state. After 5th century Roman used to say it as a (status). The word state was origin from the word (Teuton). For the first time the Italian wise Mokiyabelly use the word state in the political science in 16th century. After 18th century the sovereignty is taken as fourth essential element of the state. When it is accepted then state is accepted as a united and powerful organization.
 From above discussion it is clear that the state is an organization which has the sovereignty as well as having population and other essential elements.   
The term state is used by different writers in different sense. Due to the verities in their views it has been defined in many ways. We should not use the term with the word in same vagueness and ambiguity as it used y the ordinary people because state must have got certain essential elements. As pointed out by Oppenheim, the existence of a State is possible only when people of a State have settled under highest governmental authority and habitually follow its orders.

Definition of State
The some of the important definition regarding the state are as below:-
According to Salmond, “State is a community of people which has been established for some objectives such as internal order and external security.”
According to Wilson Woodrow, “The State is people organized for law within the definite territory.”
According to Laski, “the modern State territorial society divided into the government and the subjects claiming within its physical area a supremacy over all other institution.”

Essential elements of a State
According to Article 1 of Montevideo Convention, 1933, “The State as a person of international should possess the following qualification;
Ø  A permanent population
Ø  A definite territory
Ø  A government and
Ø  A capacity to enter into relations with other States
Prof. Oppenhiem has pointed out the following essential elements of a State;
Ø  Population
Ø  A definite territory
Ø  Government
Ø  Sovereignty

There are different concept between the ancient and today’s wise person about the element of the state. The ancient writer Kautillya, according to him state has seven elements. But today’s wise people emphasized that there are four element of the state. From these all the major and most important elements are population, territory, government and sovereignty.
Following are the important element of the state which are used today’s world.
1. Population 
                       Without the population there can not be state. Citizens compose the state and the sate has to look after their welfare. Therefore, population is essential part of a state but there is no any hard and fast rule as to the size of population. Population varied from time to time and from state to state.
                        Plato the great Greek philosopher opined that a state should consist 5040 people. The Aristotle and Rousseau had opinion that to be a welfare state their should be 10 thousand population which is an ideal number for an ideal state. 
                        All these philosophers’ thought that lesser number of populations is necessary for good government. But modern state consists huge number of population. Because of the growth of the federalism as well as the technological the modern state has been possible to insure good government. If the population has good character and discipline then it will be easy to form the state.

2. Territory
                    As the state need the population in same way it needs the territory or land. Territory is also an essential element in making of a state there can be no state without a definite place of residence (that is) area which is known as territory. Nomadic tribes cannot form a state. Before 1948 the Jews had no state. Territory is an element which distinguish the state form other association. The power and prosperity of the state largely depended upon its size the territory of the state unable to its people to know the other to which they belong.
                    Plato, Aristotle and Rousseau have given their opinion that as smaller size of the territory it is an ideal state.  But today’s wise philosophers do not agree to them. Because of new technology and well transportation and communication and unity has change the concept of the territory. There for the big state is form. The minerals, forest, hill, Himalayan, rivers, ocean and the atmosphere or environment of the area is also included in the state territory. To be organized their should be certain territory to establish well govern the society.
3. Government  
                         For every state the government is a necessary element. Due to the government state is well organized and forms the peace and security. With definite territory and population the state has the organized government. If there is a power less government there will not be well organized state and peace. Therefore the government is real structure and state is an imaginary. As the state forms from the essential elements to be a complete ideal state or to be a well organized state the government plays a vital role to establish the rule and regulation as well as law. This will help to form the complete state.
                          As we know that government has three organs they are legislative, executive and judiciary. Legislative forms the law, executive implement the law and judiciary look after the work of executive whether the law are implement in right way or not. If anybody or any organization did the work in wrong way then they are punished. So, it helps to organize the state in right way.

4. Sovereignty
                        Sovereignty is the forth essential element of the state. It is the supreme power of the state. Due to this power the state keeps its rights to look after the people or citizens. It is free to make a relationship or broke the relationship with international countries. According to the A. C Kapur, sovereignty has two parts one is internal sovereignty and external sovereignty.’ Internal sovereignty means the power to utilize the law and impose it in a good manner. If the laws are not followed then it punished them who did not follow. External sovereignty mean the power that the state have the authority to make relationship with other country or not. It is totally free to take its discussion.


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