General introduction to Democracy

                           The term ‘Democracy’ is taken from the Greek word “Demos” and ‘Cratios”. “Demos” means the people and “cratios “means implies power. So democracy means the rule of the people. It is the government of the people, by the people for the people.
                            Democracy is generally used as a form of government in which the superior governing power is entrusted to the people or the community as a whole. It is the government which is ruled by the people by people by themselves either directly or indirectly through their representatives. This is the government which is existing for the welfare of the people. Democracy is a way of life which is based on universal adult franchise, Multiplicity of the political party civil liberty of the people etc. On the other hand it is the government which exercises the power of the state according to verdict.

Meaning of Democracy
                              According to the information from cultural history at the ancient time period some society or states starts the democracy in 2500 years ago. It is necessary to understand that at the time of (bai diak) the democratic organization got place in India. The democracy which was established at ancient time gets popular nowadays.
                              The democracy is not only the government or authority but this has become the types of state. In real sense democratic government means the people’s governance. But the great thinker views are not same about this view. As we know that the word democracy is taken from the Greek word Demos and “Cratios”. “Demos” means People and “Cratios” means ruling or Governance. In this way democracy means the people governance. The ruling power is in people’s hand and they utilize by themselves.

Definitions of Democracy

The word democracy had defined by the different writers and experts differently. Among them some important definition are s below:-

According to Abraham Lincoln,
                                                     “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”
According to Seeley,
                                  “Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share.”
According to Greeks,
                                    “Democracy is governed by many peoples.”
 But the Aristotle considered as it is a perverted form of government.

                                  From the above discussion it is clear that democracy is that form of government or system in which the people have share who works according to the will of the people by themselves or by their representatives.

Kinds of democracy

The democracy has two types:-

1 Direct democracy (pure)
2 Indirect democracy (Representatives)

1 Direct Democracy (pure)
                                  Direct democracy is that form of government in which the will of the state is expressed directly through the people rather through their representatives. It is a sort of an open year parliament where the people assemble together for the purpose of electing their public officers voting for taxes and to make the laws and administrative regulation. These types of democracy can be practicable only in the small size state where the numbers of the people or citizen are simple whose political problems are few and simple. These types of democracy can exist or functions where the people can conveniently meet together and share their ideas and deliberate it together.
                                 But in a large or huge state or in complex society whose problems are various and population are too large is impracticable.
                                 The direct democracy now assumed the form of the referendum and the popular initiative. The only surviving of the direct democracy is four 4 mountains continent of Sweztland, Appenzel, Uri, Glarus and Unteenwallen.

2 Indirect Democracy (Representatives)
                                  The indirect democracy is other hand is that form of government in which the will of state or the people is expressed by the representatives electative, in the parliament. It is so called because the governing power it’s delicate and selected body of the person by the rest. The representatives organize the executive to govern. The parliament whose member are elected by the people, perform their legislative function and supervise the work of government.
 As J.S Mill has defined it as that form of government in which
          “The whole pupil or some numerous portions of them exercises the governing power through the deputies periodically elected by them.”
 In this types of democracy the ultimate source of authority remain with government

Necessary condition for success of Democracy
           There are certain requirements for the smooth functioning of democracy. In the absence of democracy the system could not function well. The following are necessary conditions for the success of democracy.

1) Faith in system
2) Democracy must be the way of life
3) Pupil must be ready to discharge their responsibility
4) Pupil shall possess a high degree of political concisions and intelligence
5) General agreement among the citizens regarding the fundamental issue
6) Obey the majority
7) Education and consciousness
8) Leadership
9) Social and economical inequality to be abolished
10) Written Constitution

Essential and necessary conditions for success for democracy
1) Faith in the system                          
                    The citizen of the state must have the faith in the democratic system. For this ruler should have to request the will of people, which help the people to accept the government system as their own.

2) Democracy must be the way of life
                     The pupils itself possess a high degree of political intelligence and ability. Public interest and their welfare and sense of public responsibility also must be there with the people who are handily the system then only this concept of life will be success.

3) Pupil must be ready to discharge their responsibility
                         The people who are involved in the governing process as well as the rule must be loyal to discharge their duties. Because democracy is the system by the people to the people for the people.

4) Pupils shall possess a high degree of political concisions and intelligence
                            Pupil must be politically concisions and intelligence. They must be interested in the affairs of the state. They should actively participate in the political activities of their state.

5) General agreements among the citizens regarding the fundamental issue
                             Democracies believe in peace and good will. People must settle their disputes in a peaceful manner. They should tolerate the definition difference of opinions and conflict on ideas. Force and violence should be avoided sympathy and mutual understand should be increases for the smooth functioning.

6) Obey the Majority
                             Everybody should obey the majority though they have the right to criticize the wrong functioning of the government in a democratic state the view of the minorities must be respected and protected by the majority.

7) Education and consciousness
                              It is necessary that the people receive a certain stander of education which will enable them to contribute their instructed judgment to the common goods. The duties of the state are therefore to provide free and compulsory education which makes them consciousness.

8) Leadership
                            Leadership is the another essential condition for the success of democracy the leader must be curious and smooth functioning he must be able to make coordination various or different groups or  community. Therefore pupil should select best and fiestas person to run the state.

9) Social an economical inequality to be abolished
                             The social inequalities that found in the form of cast, color, community should be abolished. There must not be any kind of economical inequalities. And the social and economical liberty and equality should be protected by law of the state.

10) Written Constitution
                             Democracy can be successfully run if there is a written constitution in the state because the written constitution clearly lay down the principles of governing the state as well as the limitation of power. If all the organs of government have given the autonomic and authority of powers. It also protects the right and freedom of the people.

11) Rule of Law
                            Rule of law is a most important condition for the success of democracy. The existence of the in depended and impartial judiciary system can fulfill the principal of law. And the judiciary must not be in format by the executive branch of the government.

                             The above mention conditions are not only essential but compulsory condition for the success of the government function. In the absent of these elements the democratic system may fail.


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