A brief introduction to Political science

Political science is an ancient subject which is brought from the ancient Greece. The study of the state as a form of human organization is the main subject matter of political science. It studies the state as a human creature that followed certain rules, regulation and law.
Therefore the subject that deals with man in relation with man related to the state and its government is called political science. It may be defined as the study of men in the process of governing himself. Therefore political science is the science which studies us.
Political science is the very important subject matter which deals with the human and its society. Where the political organization exists people like to live there. Every people should know about political science. It has become the major subject now a day.
There are many meaning of political science they are discussed below:

The word political science can be defined in following ways
1 Terminological meaning
2 Narrow meaning
3 Wide meaning
1 Terminological meaning
The word political science is taken from the Latin word ‘polis’ which means the’ city state’ in ancient times the Greeks was divided into the several city states which were the center of civilization. Therefore Aristotle defined the word in above manner.
2 Narrow meaning
Narrowly political science can be used as the process of election behaviors of the political parties, the aim and the object of the government and the parties  etc  which are taken as the part of detestation which only denotes how to win the election and to practice how to rule over the people.
3 Wider meaning
In modern time the politics is taken broadly. It proved itself as an important part of study from the various angles because now a day’s politics is the only way through which man can solve their problem. It is also essential to understand the various political activities and the problems having the national and international character. It also covers the theoretical and the practical concept.

The numbers of experts has defined the term political science in different ways.
According to Aristotle, “Political science is the science of the sciences.”
According to Garner, “Defines the political science as, Begins and Ends of the state.”
According to Leacock,” He says that,” political science deals with the government.”
According to Blunt chill,” it is a science which concerned with the state which endeavors to understand and comprehended the state in its fundamental conditions and its essential nature its various forms of manifestation its development.”
From above discussion it can be said that political science is a science which studied the following phenomena.
Present, past and future, political situation of the state.
Elements of the state
Origin and development of the state
Human beings, government and the system etc
Functions and objective of the state
Diplomatic relation of the state

Terminologically the word scope means the area of the study which comes within the jurisdiction of its study. Political science is the science which studies the human beings as a social animal. It specially deals with the social relationship which has the political phenomena.
The scope of political science can be discussed into two headings.
1 Traditional scope
2 Modern scope
1Traditional scope
Traditionally political science was concerned only with the phenomena of the state like its origin, function, limitations, types and the process of governing e.t.c.
But now the scope of the political science is very wide and has covered the following phenomena within its traditional scope.
Political history like, origin and development of the state
Political theories like political culture, political system and political participation
Descriptive political science which is an analysis and examination of the fundamental nature and the characteristics of the state
Applied political science which is the study of the state


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